
Donate Online

Your gift to Saint John the Beloved Academy may be given at any time. Tax-deductible contributions may be made online through our online form. Please click on a button below and process your gift using a credit card.

Donate by Mail

Download the SJBA Annual Fund Contribution Form and mail it and your gift directly to the school. Please make all checks payable to Saint John the Beloved Academy, referencing Annual Fund in the memo line.

Mail to:
Saint John the BelovedAcademy
ATTN: Development
6422 Linway Terrace
McLean, VA 22101

Matching Gifts

If you are employed by a company which has a Matching Gift Program, you can double or even triple your gift to Saint John the Beloved Academy. Your Human Resources department or manager will provide you with the necessary forms to send to the school with your gift, or direct you to an online request form. Please submit the appropriate paperwork with your Annual Fund Donation Form. The school will verify your donation with your employer to receive the matching gift.