Saint John the Beloved Academy partners with Tommy Hilfiger for our uniform needs. Please see the following link to view our guidelines:
Order uniforms online: https://www.globalschoolwear.com/
Our school is listed as St. John Academy and the code is STJO25
- Our regular school day begins at 8:00 am and dismisses at 3:00 pm Monday-Thursday, and at 2:25 pm on Friday
- When a student is going to be arriving late, leaving early, or has a change in their pick-up routine, please email Mrs. Mrs. Monica Stilson in the attendance office: [email protected] and copy Mrs. Gracia Escudero in the front office: [email protected] and copy the homeroom teacher. A phone call, written excuse or email, explaining the reason for absence and signed by the parent, must be presented upon a student’s return to school.
- When reporting a child sick from school 1) A phone call or 2) An email from a parent is required each day(s) of the absence(s) of the student to Mrs. Monica Stilson in the attendance office: [email protected] and copy Mrs. Gracia Escudero in the front office: [email protected]. If the parent knows the length of the absences just one phone call or email is necessary. Mrs. Stilson or another staff member will follow up with a phone call for any extended absence or to discuss any further information.
- Our school office hours are 8:00 am – 4:00 pm Monday-Friday
- We follow Fairfax County Public Schools with regard to weather related school closings and delays
Saint John the Beloved has a variety of offerings for students after school. We offer Basketball and Soccer teams for students grades 5-8; CYO teams in basketball and volleyball for grades 3-8; and a After School Clubs Program with a variety of offerings to choose from including: tennis, chess, knitting, kayaking, flag football, art, strategic games, and more.
If your child has a change in their schedule due to illness, early release or late entrance, please email the school at [email protected]. To pick up a student at any time during the school day other than dismissal, please go to the front office to sign them out/sign them in.
The official site for SJBA school supplies is here: https://stjohnacademy.org/parent-resources/supply-lists/
Most everything can be ordered through Amazon or purchased easily at Staples or Target.
The school calendar is available here: https://stjohnacademy.org/calendar/
During the school year, you will receive regular emails from our administration as well as our e-newsletter that includes a wealth of valuable information about the school, including changes to the schedule, activities, and volunteer opportunities. Your child will also bring home a weekly “Homeroom Folder” that includes completed work, important forms, information, and communications from his or her teacher.
Morning drop off begins at 8:00 a.m. and has only one lane. You will not be able to enter the school drive way from the intersection of Old Dominion and Linway Terrace. This area is noted as “Do Not Enter” on the map and will be shut off with orange traffic cones. You must enter the second driveway off of Linway, past the church, that runs beside the thrift shop. You will simply pull up to the front of the school in single file line of cars, stop, and let your child(ren) exit the car at the front entrance. Please wait until the car in front of you is finished before moving forward. We ask that you not pull out and around cars in front of you.
Kindergarten and first grade will enter through the main entrance. The fourth and fifth grade will enter through their exterior classroom doors. The second and third grade will go through the playground gate to enter through their exterior classroom doors. The sixth-eighth grade will enter on the Middle School side of the building. Faculty and staff will be outside directing traffic and helping students.
Students are dismissed at 2:50 p.m. All traffic is stopped when students are released. In the first phase, pick-up lines begin forming in front of the school as early at 2:40 p.m. Please remain in your cars. In this first phase, you must be in a carpool lane (one of three that start roughly at the spot marked “SPLIT” on the map) by 2:50 p.m. Dismissal is from 2:50-3:05 p.m. Monday-Thursday and 2:25 p.m. on Friday.
Once you have pulled up to carpool, and found your spot and correct lane (lane 1 if you’ll be turning left out of the school drive; lane 2 if you’ll be going straight; and lane 3 if you’ll be turning a sharp right onto Linway). Plan on remaining parked until all students have found their car, and no one is wandering the lanes. If possible, please encourage your child to come and find your car. When it is time, the carpool staff will announce “Let’s Go” or “Ok, you can go,” and the carpool line will begin to exit.
If you do not arrive in time for the initial phase of carpool, you will be directed to stay behind the “HOLD” line on the map. You may be directed to form multiple rows behind this holding line until phase one is completed. After the initial pick up, cars that have been held in the larger parking lot will be directed to drive slowly single file to the front of the school, stop in batches of three or four cars, and collect students. You should wait until any cars in front of you have gotten their students and start pulling forward before you move forward to exit the school driveway.