Extended Day

As a convenience for parents in need of childcare after school hours, the SJBA Extended Day Program offers supervised enrichment each school day from the end of the regular school day until 6:00 p.m. Our program is available for regular attendance or for use on an as needed basis. For this reason, we require that every student MUST submit a registration form in case of emergency or use on an on as needed basis.

The Extended Day program includes activities to develop individual growth through indoor and outdoor games. Playtime in the gym is offered in the event of inclement weather. Quiet time for reading or completion of homework assignments is available to students daily. Christian attitudes toward self and others are emphasized in all activities.

A nourishing daily snack and fruit juice is provided, but children must bring their own lunch on early dismissal days. All snacks and lunches must conform to SJBA food guidelines. Parents are welcome to visit and observe their children at any time.

Please note: Extended Day is not available on the last day of the school year, or on the last day of school prior to Thanksgiving, Christmas, or Easter vacation.